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Gallbladder inflammation symptoms

The gallbladder might be a small organ, but it is capable of causing significant distress when not functioning properly. The most common culprit of gallbladder discomfort is gallstones, which can impede the flow of bile through the cystic duct. When this occurs, the gallbladder becomes inflamed, causing cholecystitis, a condition which often leads to a painful gallbladder attack. Let's review the most common types of gallbladder inflammation and associated symptoms. The sudden onset of gallbla

How to Run for a Flat Stomach

Achieving a flat stomach is a prized accomplishment for many fitness buffs. For others, it's the dangling golden carrot that demands grueling crunches and sit-ups in the quest for ab perfection. If you are one of the many for whom a flat stomach is an elusive goal, take note: Incorporating running into your exercise regimen might be the missing link in your efforts to trim your tummy. A 2011 Duke University Medical Center study showed that aerobic exercise, specifically running, is more effectiv

Avocado Nutrition

Avocados are a cool, creamy fruit grown in warm regions of the world. Nutrient dense, they can be a delicious part of a healthy diet as they are packed with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that energize and protect the body. Avocados provide a combination of 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. These nutrients include the following recommended daily values for adults, based on a 2000 calorie per day diet: vitamin E, 4 percent; vitamin C, 4 percent; folate, 4 percent; fiber, 4 percent

Treadmill Facts

If doing time on your treadmill feels like hard labor, take a moment to remember the machine's first target audience. A 2013 Bloomberg article describes the treadmill's grim beginnings as a "human hamster wheel" for prisoners who walked them for long hours as a form of punishment. Now that you're feeling better about your workout, get to know and appreciate your best fitness friend a bit better with a few treadmill facts. Running on a treadmill is not equal to running outdoors. To make your run

How Cosmetics Cause Infections – The Savvy Gal

Keeping cosmetics clean seems like an easy concept to grasp, yes? But look around … Got globs in your mascara wand? Still wearing a lipstick you bought a year ago? Is your liquid foundation separating? It sounds as though a trip to the cosmetics counter is long overdue. While it might not be in your budget, a freshening up of makeup might well save you money later on by preventing a nasty, potentially dangerous infection now. Old make-up containers have been shown to harbor all kinds of bacter

Got a Gut Feeling You Have IBS? – The Savvy Gal

Can you stomach an honest discussion on a delicate matter? Good. Here it goes: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder of bowel function, particularly where women are concerned. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, twice as many women suffer from this sometimes-mysterious illness than men. (As if we didn’t already have an impressive list of female-only maladies!) This is a lot of women considering the estimates indicate about 15 to 20 percent of the U.S. population

Your lungs are a life-sustaining marvel, efficiently connecting the human body with the oxygen essential for functioning. Of all your internal organs, the lungs are the only ones to endure regular exposure to the outer environment, with healthy adults drawing in about 3,000 gallons of air daily, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. From this inhaled air, the lungs cull oxygen and deliver it to the bloodstream for distribution to the body’s organs and tissues. Gaseous waste in t

Signs That a Baby Is Getting Ready to Come |

Report some signs of impending labor to your physician right away. These include leakage of amniotic fluid, which can happen with a slow trickle or a gush. Labor will usually begin soon after the amniotic sac ruptures, but if it doesn't, your doctor may wish to induce labor to protect the baby from infection. You might also notice less movement from your baby toward the end of your pregnancy. While this may simply mean your baby is resting up for the big day, it's advisable to let your doctor kn

How to Relieve a 3-Week-Old Baby of Gas |

Pumping your baby's legs in a cycling motion may encourage the release of trapped gas. Placing him on his tummy puts pressure on the trapped gas and may make for easier passage. Only give your baby tummy time while he is awake and under your watchful eye; for sleeping, always place him on his back to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Simethicone drops (Mylicon, Little Tummys) may help bring the infant some relief, but scientific study has not proved them any more effective than a

Little Red Bumps on My Baby's Face |

During the last trimester of pregnancy, your baby's skin is covered with a creamy, white coating called vernix. This substance protects the baby's skin and helps prevent infections while in the womb and after delivery. While some of it was washed off after birth, remnants will continue to peel away in the first weeks of life. Resist the urge to help it along; a baby's skin is delicate and that means that less is more when it comes to care. Excessive washing will remove the baby's natural oils an

The Best Way to Get Rid of Deep Wrinkles

Deep wrinkles--you want to shrug them off as a natural part of the aging process. For those who think that aging gracefully is overrated, however, those furrows defining your brow and framing your smile have far less to do with looking distinguished and far more to do with looking old. While over-the-counter creams can improve the appearance of fine lines, deep wrinkles require the big guns. The best way to get rid of deep wrinkles is to head to a dermatologist or other qualified skin care for a